April 05, 2012

Inconsistency Error at PO in NAV 5.0 SP1

There was an interesting query at one of my client in india. Consider the following:

Query: When user is Posting  Purchase order in NAV 5.0 SP1 and he is getting "Inconsistency Error". And User confirmed me that the error is coming only in the case of Partial Receipt.

Resolution: When I go into the detail analysis I couldn't find anything. All values are extremely correct then I used Single Instance Codeunit, there I come to know what exactly happening in the system.

In the case of Partial Receipt the all my Debit values are going as per the Partial Receipt but the problem is in my Credit value. System is not ignoring tax values of non receipt. These values are adding into my vendor Credit balance.

Then, for time being I suggested the User to post the invoice without "Excise Prod.Posting Grp" and "Tax Group Code" of non receipt Items. Because if Codes are not there then tax of those items will be zero.

Later, we rectified this issue in NAV 5.0 SP1

Readers, If you get same error apply above logic and check once.

--Happy Reading



  1. How it will be resolved permanently??????

  2. Hi,

    My Techiee has added some code in CodeUnit 90 at Amout to Vendor column.

  3. Hi Srinivas,

    Thanks for above information.
    We are using nav 6.0 sp1,while posting of the purchase we getting inconsistency error msg.
    Can you please elaborate the steps to resolve the issue.
    Is it have only way to resolve the issue by writing code only??
    Is there any way to find out where the problem exactly??

    Thanks in advance..

  4. HI,

    Thank you for writing to me.

    You need to understand the consistency error is coming because of the debit and credit not properly accounted in GL Entry. I mean

    Total Debit Amount is not equal to Total Credit Amount for that transaction at GL entry.

    So, first thing you need to identify where and which A/C posting wrongly for that please use below link


    1. Copy and Paste the Codeunit into Notepad then import into your DB
    2. Write one line in 'Finish Codeunit' as specified in above link
    3. Run the Codeunit
    4. You post the transaction again. Here you will get inconsistency error
    5. Close the transaction and again run the above codeunit. Here all entries will be
    displayed. Now you analyze the transaction.

    Let me know if you find any difficulty for the above

    Thank you

    -- Happy Reading
