Description not posting to ILE & VE from Purcahse Order
Q: My Client has informed me that when ever he posting Purchase order with Items then the Item description is not posting to "Item Ledger Entry" and "Value Entry".
A: We had customized the following way in Code Unit 22 "Item Jnl.-Post Line"
InsertItemLedgEntry(): Written the below code before insert
IF RecItem.GET(ItemLedgEntry."Item No.") THEN
InsertValueEntry(): Written the below code before insert
IF RecItem.GET(ValueEntry."Item No.") THEN
That's It. My client is happy :)
--Happy Reading
Items tariffs are wrongly taken and enries have been posted. After run the E.R-1 report client come to know the that they have taken wrong tariff. So how to change tariff for existing items and items which are posted?
ReplyDeleteHow to change qty?