September 17, 2012

TIP #3

Service Creation for opening multiple instances of RTC with different databases

Note: Under Assumption that you are using same port number for all instances.

Please find the below steps for congiguration:

Step #1:

Copy and Paste the Service folder in the same directory as 'Service AO' (AO is the my new service Name)

Step #2:

Use the following command in CMD to create new service

SC create MicrosoftDynamicsNAVServer$AO binpath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Service AO\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Server.exe $AO"
DisplayName= "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server AO" start= auto type= own depend= NetTcpPortSharing obj= "NT Authority\NetworkService"

(Note: Now Please check in Services.msc folder, Service has been created. Go to Properties -> Log on and confirm the password).

Start the service to check it has been configured properly or not. If service started successfully then stop the service for a while.
Step #3:
Since we are using same port number for all instances, we need to share the port number. Please follow the steps to do this.
  • Go to Run - Service.msc - find Net. Tcp Port Sharing
  • Right-click Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service, and then click Properties.
  • On the General tab, set Startup type to Manual.
  • Click OK to close the Properties window.
  • Right-click Net.Tcp Port Sharing, and then click Start.
 You have now activated port sharing over the TCP/IP protocol.
Step #4:
We need to convert the Original service of 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server' as a sharing service. For that we need to delete and reactivate the service. (Make sure that service has been stopped)
Delete Service: (Command Prompt)
sc delete MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer
Activate Service: (Command Prompt)
sc create MicrosoftDynamicsNAVServer binpath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Service\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Server.exe"
DisplayName= "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server" start= auto type= own depend= NetTcpPortSharing obj= "NT Authority\NetworkService"
Step #5:
Change the parameters in Custom.config file of Service AO folder and Save it
add key="ServerInstance" value="DynamicsNAV AO"
add key="DatabaseName" value="AO"

Step #6:
Now Activate the Two services in Services.msc
1. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
2. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server AO
Step #7:
Now You can open Two different databases using RTC
--Happy Reading

July 17, 2012

TIP #2

Reading Excel file into table using simple setps


XlApp      = Automation = 'Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library'.Application
Xlbook     = Automation = 'Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library'.Workbook
XlSheet    = Automation = 'Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library'.Worksheet
NoOfRows   = Integer
Data file  = Record Variable
Text001    = Sales Data         @2@@@@@@@@@@\\ 
Window     = Dialog
i          = Integer


  ERROR('The Specified file %1 not exist',Rec."Data File");
XlApp.Workbooks.Open("Data File");
Xlbook := XlApp.ActiveWorkbook;
XlSheet := Xlbook.Worksheets.Item(1);
NoOfRows := XlSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count;
Window.UPDATE(1,STRSUBSTNO('Integrating Data...'));

// i=2 means I am reading my excel from second row onwards
FOR i := 2 TO NoOfRows DO BEGIN
Rec."Entry No.":=i-1;
EVALUATE(Rec."Item No.",FORMAT(XlSheet.Range('A'+FORMAT(i)).Value));



-- Happy Reading 

TIP #1

Selecting a file into text box from Assit Edit


DialogWindow = Codeunit = Common Dialog Management
Text000            = Select Your Excel File
Data File          = Record/Global Variable

Code: OnAssitEdit()

    IF ("Data File"= '' ) OR (NOT EXISTS("Data File")) THEN
          "Data File" := DialogWindow.OpenFile(Text000, '', 2{=Excel}, '', 0{=Open});

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--   Happy Reading

April 23, 2012

Management Reporter 2012 for Microsoft Dynamics ERP is available

Management Reporter 2012 for Microsoft Dynamics® ERP is a powerful financial report solution that helps you achieve greater visibility across your organization. With Management Reporter 2012, you can expect:

  • More flexibility in designing your financial reports
  • Additional opportunities to collaborate with co-workers, auditors and others during the report design, distribution and viewing process
  • An interactive report viewing experience to help you drive decisions from the report data that's delivered to you
  • Deeper interoperability with your Microsoft Dynamics ERP solution, including drilling back to the Microsoft Dynamics ERP data
Management Reporter 2012 is available in English. Additional languages are planned in the second quarter of calendar year 2012. For more information on Management Reporter 2012 please visit:

--Happy Reading

Getting Ready for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

With the planned availability of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 just a few short months away, now is the time to start getting up to speed on what to expect in the new release. Microsoft have already made early information and resources available on the new LaunchPortal and related "GettingReady" page on PartnerSource, including "What's New" readiness materials, Hot Topic Webcast recordings and information about coming readiness opportunities. And, Other hand Microsoft will be updating with additional content on a regular basis as we get closer to the release. View the LaunchPortal and "GettingReady" page now and come back often to get ready for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

-- Happy Reading

April 19, 2012

Basic Subcontracting Process

One kind of production process at vendor location is subcontracting. In Navision we cannot create Subcontracting Order directly because it is re-routed through released production order. Please follow the steps to create subcontracting cycle 

Creation of Location Card
As said above, it is process at supplier location and it is mandatory to create location in location card and tag as subcontracting location. See the following

Go to Warehouseà Setup à Locations

In Excise Tab, We need to declare as this location is subcontracting location as said above. This location needs to tag to Vendor card of “Icon Technologies” then Subcontractor No. ‘ICON01’will come automatically here

Tagging Location to Vendor Card:

We had completed and Subcontractor creation and respective linkage. As I said before Subcontracting is part of Production process so that we need to define Routing. Now let’s see detail routing process.  
As part of routing process it is necessary to define either “Work Center” or “Machine Center” as per your license. Here I am creating Work Center for respective routing.
Go to Manufacturingà Capacities à Work Center

General Tab:
  1. Work Center No. has been generated from Number Series
  2. Enter Work Center Name
  3. Select Work Center Group Code from the list (It is used when you are calculating efficiency of similar type of work centers)

Posting Tab:
  1. Select “Subcontractor No.” from the vendor list (This is the area we tag this particular work center is used for ICON Subcontracting.
  2. System automatically will select Flushing Method as Manual. If you are following different then select from the drop down
  3. Select Gen. Prod. Posting Group from the list – For finance Use

Scheduling Tab: 
  1. Enter Unit of Measure code as per the Subcontractor (Minutes, Days, Hours)
  2. Enter Capacity and Efficiency as defined above, Change the values if required
  3. Select the Shop Calendar code from the list (It will define Subcontractor Calendar and it is a part of our production planning)

Once you defined Shop calendar code then it is necessary to run the calendar.
Go to the Planning Menu à Calendar

  1. Work Center Calendar window will open then Click Functions à Calculate
  2. In Calculate Work Center window Go to Option Tab then enter Start Date and End date then Click OK
  3. Please note that Shift has been defined in the system
  4. As per the diagram below Calendar entries will be generated

Routing Creation:
Go to ManufacturingàProduct DesignàRouting

  1. Generate Routing No. manually or through System
  2. Enter Description
  3. Enter Operation No. as 10
  4. Select type as Work Center
  5. Select Your work center no. from the list
  6. Enter run time (In Work Center card we defined UOM as Minutes so here enter run time approx. in minutes)
  7. Change the status to Certified
Creation of Semi-finished Item -- Raw Material Item – Production BOM
Semi-finished Item:
Go to Manufacturing à Production Design à Item

 Check the following fields:
  1. Item No.
  2. Item Description
  3. Base Unit of Measure
  4. Invoicing Tabà Gen. Prod. Posting Group, Inventory Posting Group
  5. Replenishment Tabà Replenishment System Should be a Prod. Order
  6. Need to attach Prod. BOM No. and Routing. (we will see after creation of BOM)
Raw Material Item

 Check the following fields:
  1. Item No., Item Description, Base Unit of Measure
  2. Invoicing Tabà Gen. Prod. Posting Group, Inventory Posting Group
  3. Replenishment Tabà Replenishment System Should be a Purchase
BOM Creation:
Go to Manufacturingà Product Design à Production BOM

Tagging Production BOM & Routing into Semi finished Item

Go to I 1001 item Card and select the following:

  1. Routing No. – Select from the Routing list ICON R
  2. Production BOM No. – Select from the Production BOM List
(Note: We have finished setups and linkages. Now we will see Subcontracting Process)
Creation of Release Prod. Order for Subcontracting
Go to Manufacturing à Executionà Released Production Orders
Steps to create: 
  1. Select Production No. by clicking F3
  2. Select Source Type as Item and Source No. is I 0001 (Our semi-finished Item)
  3. Enter Quantity and Due date
  4. Posting Tab à Select location
  5. Click Functionsà Refresh
  6. System will create line based on your BOM and Routing
  7. To See Components Click Lines à Components
  8. To See Routing Click Lines à Routing
Released Production Order:

Click Line à Components

Click LineàRouting

Creation of Subcontracting Order:
Go to Manufacturingà Planningà Subcontracting Worksheets
After window Opens, Click FunctionsàCalculate Subcontracts.
In Prod. Order routing line Tab, Select your released Production No. then Click OK

After clicking OK system will generate a line in Subcontracting worksheet.
Then, Click FunctionsàCarryout Action Message

Your Subcontracting Order has been generated now. Let’s go have a look.
Go to ManufacturingàExecutionàSubcontracting Order

Now we need to send Delivery Challan (57 F4) using the above Subcontracting Order.
Click LineàOrder Subcon. Details

Here you have two tabs 1. Delivery Details (Used for Sending material) 2. Receipt details (for receiving Semi finished Parts)

  1. In delivery, we needs to enter Delivery Comp. for column then system will calculate Qty to send column automatically
  2. If you want to send bulk raw material to the subcontractor then you can directly put the value in Qty to send column.
  3. Specify Delivery Challan date
  4. Enter company location
  5. Click Send

After Clicking Send Delivery Challan Posted get updated with 1

Go to Delivery Challan PostedàDrill downà Select your delivery challanàDeliveryàCard then you can print 57 F4
Receive Material from Subcontractor:
  1. Go to Receipt Detailsà Enter Qty to Accept
  2. System will update Qty to consume column
  3. Give Vendor Shipment No. and Posting Date in Header column
  4. Now, We have adjust consumption against 57 F4. For that
  5. Click Functionà Apply Delivery Challan

In Apply Delivery Challan window select App. Delivery Challan No. from the lookup and Qty to Consume is 10.

After Apply delivery Challan Click Receive. Quantity Accepted column is updated with you Quantity

You can take GRN Print from Posted Receipts.

-- Happy Reading