TIP #3
Service Creation for opening multiple instances of RTC with different databases
Note: Under Assumption that you are using same port number for all instances.
Please find the below steps for congiguration:
Step #1:
Copy and Paste the Service folder in the same directory as 'Service AO' (AO is the my new service Name)
Use the following command in CMD to create new service
DisplayName= "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server AO" start= auto type= own depend= NetTcpPortSharing obj= "NT Authority\NetworkService"
(Note: Now Please check in Services.msc folder, Service has been created. Go to Properties -> Log on and confirm the password).
Start the service to check it has been configured properly or not. If service started successfully then stop the service for a while.
Step #3:
Since we are using same port number for all instances, we need to share the port number. Please follow the steps to do this.
- Go to Run - Service.msc - find Net. Tcp Port Sharing
- Right-click Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service, and then click Properties.
- On the General tab, set Startup type to Manual.
- Click OK to close the Properties window.
- Right-click Net.Tcp Port Sharing, and then click Start.
You have now activated port sharing over the TCP/IP protocol.
Step #4:
We need to convert the Original service of 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server' as a sharing service. For that we need to delete and reactivate the service. (Make sure that service has been stopped)
Delete Service: (Command Prompt)
sc delete MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer
Activate Service: (Command Prompt)
sc create MicrosoftDynamicsNAVServer binpath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Service\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Server.exe"
DisplayName= "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server" start= auto type= own depend= NetTcpPortSharing obj= "NT Authority\NetworkService"
DisplayName= "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server" start= auto type= own depend= NetTcpPortSharing obj= "NT Authority\NetworkService"
Step #5:
Change the parameters in Custom.config file of Service AO folder and Save it
add key="ServerInstance" value="DynamicsNAV AO"
add key="DatabaseName" value="AO"
Step #6:
Now Activate the Two services in Services.msc
1. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
2. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server AO
Step #7:
Now You can open Two different databases using RTC
--Happy Reading